Core Manufacture

Core Manufacture

Oily Type Transformers

Core is manufactured from places with M5, M4 silicon alloys with thickness of 0.30, 0.27, and 0.23 mm of which crystals have been directed. 45o bent-cut plates are used in the transition regions of magnetic circuits. All plates used in magnetic circuit are cut in CNC-controlled cutting machines and core manufacture is carried out according to project. Magnetic circuit cutting and composition is made with a method used to decrease iron losses called step-lap into minimum level. Cross and longitudinal step-lap applications are used to align the core. 

Also, our leg and transom sections are equal and they are multi-levelled and theoretically round section. By tightening core plates with steel studs and isolated pipes through U profile and transom, noise levels are minimized. 


Core provides the highest efficiency with the UniCore © lamination cutting system. 

Unicores of which core types are various with special dimension, mono and tri-phase presents a large range of products. Advanced machine, software and production techniques provides lower loss and lower cost by the continuous, the most correct and reliable core production .

Benefits of Unicore: 

  • • More quality core production
    • Easy installation
    • Various forming process
    • Free Cast
    • Core dimensions and types are important choices to decrease costs and increase customer satisfactions.
    • Faster production methods are possible. 

    It is a competitive core type with very easy installation and low loss and low price. This core is used for Distribution and General Purposed Transformers with mono leg and crust type, mono-phase and tri-phase


It provides benefit to know required dimensions when ordering Unicore ® products. Added diagrams have been designed to help you in determining the required dimensions and terminology.





It provides benefit to know required dimensions when ordering Unicore ® products. Added diagrams have been designed to help you in determining the required dimensions and terminology.



Dry Type Transformers 

Core is manufactured from places with M5, M4 silicon alloys with thickness of 0.30, 0.27, and 0.23 mm of which crystals have been directed. 45o bent-cut plates are used in the transition regions of magnetic circuits. All plates used in magnetic circuit are cut in CNC-controlled cutting machines and core manufacture is carried out according to project. Magnetic circuit cutting and composition is made with a method used to decrease iron losses called step-lap into minimum level. Cross and longitudinal step-lap applications are used to align the core.