Basic Installation Information

Basic Installation Information

Basic Definitions in domestic installation 


Structure connection line (supply line): Line between distribution network and structure entrance line.


Structure connection box (main junction box or terminal box): Mechanism which connects the electrical network to the consumption facility.


Main column line: Supply line which goes from cable to the first distribution point of the consumer ( main board).


Main distribution board): Board whisch supplies all other distribution boards in the structure, which hosts counters, fuses and false current protection relays etc.

Column line: Line which connects main board to distribution boards


Distribution board: Board which supplies independent sections, apartments, workshops etc, which hosts such devices as fuses, fault current protection relays etc.


Light line: Lines which start from the distribution board to the box (buat) to which last illumination device (luminaires) is connected.


Light sortie line: Connection line between line and illumination device.


Plug line: Lines which start from the distribution board to the box (buat) to which last plug is connected.


Plg sortie line: Lines which goes to the plugs from plug line.


Buat: Means additional box and refers to the box to which cables are connected.